Was sollte man wissen, wenn man hormonelle Verhütungsmittel online kauft?

hormonal contraceptives online im Diebestengutscheine.de

What should you know when buying hormonal contraceptives online?

Hormonal contraceptives online are safe and reliable. Learn more about their effectiveness and the Pearl Index in our guide.

What types of hormonal contraceptives are there?

There are a number of hormone-based contraceptives available. First and foremost, of course, are the pill and the mini-pill, closely followed by the hormonal coil, the contraceptive ring, the hormonal patch or the three-month injection.


Not all of these remedies are suitable for every woman. For some the pill is more suitable, for others a hormonal IUD is more suitable. For example, if you work shifts and it is not always guaranteed that you can take the pill very regularly, another type of contraception is more likely to be preferred. 


If you want to know more about the topic, we recommend the reports on experiences with the pill Maxim ®. However, Swingo®, Belara®, or Diane® are also excellent alternatives, especially if you suffer from skin problems. 

How do hormonal contraceptives work?

In principle, all hormonal contraceptives work on the same principle. They prevent an egg from being fertilized through three mechanisms. First, you prevent ovulation itself. Secondly, if ovulation does occur, prevent the egg from implanting in the uterus by breaking down the uterine lining. And thirdly, you prevent the cervix from opening so that sperm cannot come into contact with an egg and die. 

Do you need a doctor’s prescription for hormone-based contraceptives?

In Germany, all contraceptives that work on a hormonal level require a prescription. A doctor licensed in the EU must first issue a prescription, which can then be used to obtain the product from an online or offline pharmacy. Telemedical services on the Internet are also becoming increasingly popular. 

What is a telemedicine service?

This is an offer that allows you to contact a doctor online from home. You fill out a standardized questionnaire and if there are no exclusion criteria, the doctor can immediately issue a prescription online. In the simplest case, this can then be redeemed straight away in a connected online pharmacy. They usually ship the product on the same day and you will receive it conveniently sent to your home within one or two working days. 

What should you pay attention to with such services?

There are also some illegal services on the Internet, so it is important to only contact reputable providers. You can recognize a reputable telemedicine service and also the connected online pharmacy by the corresponding approval from an EU authority. 


Check this approval before giving out your details and ordering anything. You can usually find the information you need in the legal notice. If no imprint is displayed, you can almost certainly assume that the provider is not reputable.


If it is not a licensed pharmacy, you must expect to receive a product that is defective or even harmful to your health. In addition, you are committing a criminal offense because you do not have a legitimate doctor’s prescription. 


Also pay attention to appropriate security certificates. Your data is only really secure if certain basic data protection legal rules are followed. 

We summarize

If you are thinking about purchasing your hormonal contraceptives online, here are some things to keep in mind:


  1. Together with a doctor, choose the contraceptive that is right for you.
  2. Choose a telemedicine service that can issue a prescription through its affiliated, licensed physicians.
  3. Only trust reputable online services and pharmacies that are accredited in the EU. Stay away from lurid cheap offers or dispensing the products without a prescription.


Online services are certainly the future. Because you can easily get important medications from home without having to drive to the doctor and wait in the waiting room. 



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